
What is Powder Metallurgy Manufacturing Process?


The creation of metal parts and components through the manipulation of metal powders is known as powder metallurgy, an innovative manufacturing method. Due to its distinct benefits and capacity to create intricate and high-performing products, this adaptable technology has become more popular across a range of sectors. We shall examine the main phases and advantages of the powder metallurgy production process in this post.


Article Directory

  1. What is Powder Metallurgy (PM)
  2. What are the Types of Powder Metallurgy Processes?
  3. Process Flow of Powder Metallurgy Process
  4. Advantages of Powder Metallurgy Process
  5. Disadvantages of Powder Metallurgy Process
  6. Which Materials Can Be Used in Powder Metallurgy Process?
  7. What Are the Main Applications of the Powder Metallurgy Process?
  8. Are Parts Produced by Powder Metallurgy Expensive?
  9. Precautions When Using Powder Metallurgy Process
  10. Powder Metallurgy vs. Investment Casting: Which Should I Choose?
  11. Why Choose H&Z Powder Metallurgy Service?


What is Powder Metallurgy (PM)

Powder metallurgy (PM) is a manufacturing process that produces precision and high-precision parts by pressing powdered metals and alloys into rigid molds under extreme pressure. The PM process can reduce or eliminate the need for subtractive processes in the manufacturing process, thereby reducing material loss and lowering the cost of the final product.

With the development and implementation of technological progress, powder metallurgy has become an important process for the production of bushes, bearings, gears and various structural parts.


What are the Types of Powder Metallurgy Processes?

To process a material from raw material to the required final product using this powder metallurgy, there are different types of powder metallurgy processes and they are

  1. Conventional Powder Metallurgy Process
  2. Cold Isostatic Pressing (CIP)
  3. Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP)
  4. Powder rolling
  5. Powder Extrusion
  6. Powder Forging

Conventional Powder Metallurgy Process

Conventional powder metallurgy process contains all the procedures that involved in the basic powder metallurgy, which includes

  • Mixing

  • Compacting and

  • Sintering of the powder and alloy.

This type of powder metallurgy process is similar to the traditional powder metallurgy procedure, but with the added benefit of contemporary technology.

Cold Isostatic Pressing (CIP)

As the name suggests, the CIP is done at room temperature using a rubber mould inside a hydrostatic chamber. The manufacturer uses oil or water to apply hydrostatic pressure to compact the powder. Typically the mould is oversized to allow for shrinkage.

CIP produces a part with uniform density with comparably cheaper tooling. However, because of the flexible mould, accurate tolerances are challenging to achieve; hence, other manufacturing processes, such as CNC machining, are often required.

Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP)

In a HIP, the mould is made using a high melting point mild or stainless-steel metal sheet and pressurized using high-temperature inert gas. HIP creates parts by pressing and sintering in one single step. Because of the equipment required, the HIP is an expensive process.

The HIP process eliminates porous elements in sand casting through plastic deformation, creep, and diffusion bonding.

Powder rolling

Powders can be compressed to form metal strip stock in a rolling mill operation. Typically, the process is set up to run continuously or semi-continuously. First, metallic powders are compacted between rolls to form a green strip fed directly into a sintering furnace. After that, it is cold rolled and re-sintered.

Powder Extrusion

Extrusion is a fundamental manufacturing process. Starting powders in PM extrusion can take various forms. Powders are placed in a vacuum-tight sheet metal can, heated and extruded with the container in the most common method. In another variation, billets are formed using a traditional press and sinter process before being extruded hot. The PM product is highly densified as a result of these methods.

Powder Forging

Forging is a crucial metal-forming process. The starting work in powder forging is a powder metallurgy part pre-formed to the proper size by pressing and sintering.

The benefits of this approach include densification of the PM part, lower tooling costs, and fewer forging “hits” (and thus a higher production rate) because the starting work part is pre-formed.


Process Flow of Powder Metallurgy Process

Converting a powder into a final product requires a number of steps or processes. So, powder metallurgy consists of four fundamental processes, which are

  1. Powder Preparation
  2. Powder Mixing and blending
  3. Compacting
  4. Sintering

Let us read about these powder metallurgy process steps in detail


Step 1 – Powder Preparation

Properties of products produced using powder metallurgy are dependent on the characteristics and properties of the powder. One of the processes used to produce powder for powder metallurgy is melt atomization. In this process, liquid metal is broken into tiny droplets that cool and solidify into minute particles.

Though atomization is the most common method for producing powder, other processes include chemical reduction, electrolytic deposition, grinding, and thermal decomposition. Regardless of which process is used, all metals and alloys can be converted into a powder.

Prior to mixing and blending the powder, it is evaluated and tested for its appropriateness for the powder metallurgy process. The factors that are considered are flow rate, density, compressibility, and strength.


Step 2 – Powder Mixing and Blending

Mixing is the combination of metal powders with different chemistries. Blending, on the other hand, is the combination of particles with the same chemistries and sizes. 

Mixing and blending differ in the chemical composition of the particles but, the actual combination process is the same. Metal powder combines with binders or lubricants to determine the characteristics and properties of the final part, such as pH level, viscosity, and filtration level.

Without this step combining materials to create new alloys, powder metallurgy would be limited to producing one material at a time.


Step 3 – Compacting

The compaction of components is carried out in specifically designed tools. For the production of P/M components, the metal powder must be compressed so that the individual particles will cold-weld at their contact points to make a part of sufficient “green” strength to be handled and of a density great enough to meet specified properties.  

The design and quality of the compacting tool must be such that the part will be, after sintering, of the desired strength and dimensions. For achieving uniform density in the part, the respective motions of the die and lower punches are calculated and programmed in the press operating cycle.  

In most cases, tooling is made from high-speed steel or carbide, and the lifetime may range from 10,000 to millions of parts, depending on complexity, materials, and tolerances. The powders are compacted in a die cavity at ambient temperature, after which they are in a near net state, or “green state”.


Step 4 – Sintering

Step 4 is Sintering. Despite being stretched and squeezed under severe pressure, the green compact is not sturdy enough to be utilized. The green compact is sintered or heated at high temperatures to form a permanent link between the metal particles. The particles of the green compact are pressed together to create a shape during compacting.  Sintering, in essence, creates the final useable product or part.

  • Sintering is a heat treatment process that involves the powder metallurgy process in which a large number of compressed pieces are exposed to temperatures high enough to generate enough pressure to enable the loose particles to join and link, producing a solid piece.
  • The needed temperature varies depending on the type of metal, although it is always somewhat lower than the melting point of the metal.
  • Irrespective of the compacting pressure used, the green compact has minute porous gaps. The material is compressed and pushed under high temperatures during sintering to close the porous areas and reinforce the component.

So, these are the four powder metallurgy process steps that are involved in processing a component.


Advantages of Powder Metallurgy Process

The powder metallurgy process offers numerous advantages:

  1. Versatility: PM allows for the production of complex shapes and intricate geometries that are difficult or impossible to achieve through traditional manufacturing processes.
  2. Material Utilization: It enables the use of a wide range of materials, including ferrous and non-ferrous alloys, ceramics, and even composites.
  3. Cost Efficiency: PM reduces material waste, as excess powder can be recycled, making it a cost-effective manufacturing method.
  4. Enhanced Material Properties: The sintering process improves the density and mechanical properties of the final part, resulting in components with excellent strength, hardness, and wear resistance.
  5. Customization: Powder metallurgy allows for easy alloying and blending of powders, enabling the production of tailored materials with specific properties to meet application requirements.


Disadvantages of Powder Metallurgy Process

While powder metallurgy has several advantages, there are also some disadvantages to consider:

  1. Size Limitations: PM is generally more suitable for producing smaller to medium-sized parts. Large, complex components may present challenges due to the limitations of powder handling and sintering processes.
  2. Cost of Equipment: Specialized equipment and tooling required for powder metallurgy can be expensive, making it less viable for low-volume production.
  3. Surface Finish: The sintering process may result in a rougher surface finish compared to other manufacturing methods, requiring additional post-processing steps to achieve the desired surface quality.
  4. Dimensional Variations: Slight dimensional changes can occur during sintering, leading to tighter tolerances and potential complications in certain applications.


Which Materials Can Be Used in Powder Metallurgy Process?

Material Category Examples of Materials
Metals Iron, Steel, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Copper, Nickel, Titanium, Tungsten, Molybdenum, and their alloys
Non-Metallic Materials Ceramics (Alumina, Zirconia, Silicon Carbide, Boron Carbide), Composites (Metal Matrix Composites, Ceramic Matrix Composites)
Intermetallic Compounds Titanium Aluminides, Nickel Aluminides, Iron Aluminides
Magnetic Materials Iron, Cobalt, Magnetic Alloys
Refractory Metals Tantalum, Niobium, Rhenium

The selection of materials in powder metallurgy depends on the specific requirements of the intended application, including desired mechanical properties, thermal properties, corrosion resistance, electrical conductivity, and more. By utilizing these various materials, the powder metallurgy process can produce components with tailored properties to meet a wide range of industrial needs.


What Are the Main Applications of the Powder Metallurgy Process?

Powder metallurgy is a cost-effective method for producing large volumes of complex parts and assemblies across a variety of industries. Currently, the automotive industry uses iron and stainless steel powders to produce parts from bearings to gears.

Below are some examples of the thousands of parts, assemblies, tools, instruments and accessories manufactured using this highly flexible and valuable process.

1. Porous products such as bearings and filters.

2. Tungsten carbide, gauges, wire drawing dies, wire guides, stamping and blanking tools, stones, hammers, rock drilling bits, etc.

3. Various machine parts are produced from tungsten powder. Highly heat and wear-resistant cutting tools from tungsten carbide powders with titanium carbide, powders are used for die manufacturing.

4. Refractory parts such as components made out of tungsten, tantalum, and molybdenum are used in electric bulbs, radio valves, oscillator valves, X-ray tubes in the form of filament, cathode, anode, control grids, electric contact points, etc.

5. Products of complex shapes that require considerable machining when made by other processes namely toothed components such as gears.

6. Components used in automotive part assemblies such as electrical contacts, crankshaft drive or camshaft sprocket, piston rings and rocker shaft brackets, door, mechanisms, connecting rods and brake linings, clutch facings, welding rods, etc.

7. Products where the combined properties of two metals or metals and non-metals are desired such as non-porous bearings, electric motor brushes, etc.

8. Porous metal bearings are made which are later impregnated with lubricants. Copper and graphite powders are used for manufacturing automobile parts and brushes.

9. The combinations of metals and ceramics, which are bonded by a similar process as metal powders, are called cermets. They combine the useful properties of the high refractoriness of ceramics and the toughness of metals. They are produced in two forms namely oxides based and carbide based.


Are Parts Produced by Powder Metallurgy Expensive?

The cost of parts produced by powder metallurgy depends on several factors:

  1. Volume: Powder metallurgy is highly economical for high-volume production due to reduced material waste and efficient manufacturing processes.
  2. Complexity: Complex parts with intricate geometries may require additional steps or specialized tooling, which can impact the overall cost.
  3. Material: The cost of the base metal or alloy used in the process contributes to the overall part cost.
  4. Tolerances and Surface Finish: Parts with tight tolerances or demanding surface finish requirements may involve additional processing steps, influencing the final cost.

In general, for large-volume production and relatively simpler parts, powder metallurgy offers cost advantages compared to other manufacturing methods.


Precautions When Using Powder Metallurgy Process

To ensure the successful implementation of the powder metallurgy process, it is important to consider the following precautions:

  • Material Selection: Carefully choose the appropriate powders and binder materials to achieve the desired properties and avoid potential issues during processing.
  • Powder Handling: Maintain proper control over powder handling and storage to prevent contamination and ensure consistent powder properties.
  • Tool Design: Design the tooling, including punches and dies, with careful consideration of part complexity, dimensional accuracy, and ease of ejection.
  • Process Control: Establish robust process controls to ensure consistent and repeatable results, including compaction pressure, sintering temperature, and time profiles.
  • Safety Measures: Follow proper safety protocols when working with metal powders, including ventilation, personal protective equipment (PPE), and fire prevention measures.

By adhering to these precautions, manufacturers can minimize potential risks and achieve high-quality, defect-free parts through powder metallurgy.


Powder Metallurgy vs. Investment Casting: Which Should I Choose?

Aspect Powder Metallurgy (PM) Investment Casting
Process Metal powders are compacted and sintered to form solid parts. A wax pattern is created, coated with ceramic, and then melted out to form a mold for casting.
Material Flexibility Offers a wide range of metal and alloy options. Can accommodate a variety of metals and alloys.
Complexity Suitable for complex part geometries and intricate designs. Allows for complex shapes and intricate details.
Cost-effectiveness Can be cost-effective for high-volume production. More cost-effective for smaller production runs or complex parts.
Surface Finish Surface finish may require additional machining or finishing. Can achieve excellent surface finish with minimal post-processing.
Material Waste Minimal material waste due to near-net-shape production. Generates more waste material, including the removal of the ceramic mold.
Production Efficiency High production efficiency, especially for standardized parts. Production efficiency depends on the complexity and size of the parts.
Tooling and Setup Costs Initial tooling costs can be higher for specialized parts. Tooling and setup costs can be relatively high.
Tolerance Control Can achieve tight dimensional tolerances. Offers good dimensional accuracy and tolerances.
Part Size Suitable for both small and large parts. Ideal for small to medium-sized parts.
Application Range Widely used in automotive, aerospace, and consumer goods. Applied in various industries, including aerospace and jewelry.

It's important to note that the suitability of each process depends on specific requirements, such as part complexity, production volume, material selection, and cost considerations. Evaluating these factors will help determine the most appropriate manufacturing method for a given application


Why Choose H&Z Powder Metallurgy Service?

H&Z is one of the well-known powder metallurgy parts manufacturers and exporters in China. Our metal parts experts have the experience and expertise to reproduce complex parts to your exact specifications. We guarantee a level of quality unmatched by other PM parts manufacturers.

Here are 5 reasons why you choose us:

  1. From design to shipping, we provide a full range of services
  2. One of the well-known powder metallurgy manufacturers and suppliers in China
  3. Served hundreds of companies and successfully customized parts for their projects
  4. Have our own factory and engineer team, able to provide professional service
  5. Cooperating with us can reduce your procurement cost and get the best quotation

Learn about H&Z's high-quality service and powder metallurgy parts. Request the best price quote, or contact H&Z for more information.

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